Mental Health Around the World is a new series of blog posts that talk about mental health. We often only talk about mental health when things go wrong and neglect to talk about what constitutes good mental health. There are a lot of different opinions on what creates good mental health and there are certainly differences between individuals in terms of what keeps them mentally healthy.
There may also be differences in opinions about what constitutes good mental health in different regions of the world. I decided to find out. This series of blog posts titled Mental Health around the world asks people from a variety of different countries and cultures the same question “What do you personally believe creates good mental health and wellness in your part of the world?”.
These blog posts are a variety of personal opinions that are not meant to constitute medical advice and it’s always good to run any new ideas you have past your General Practitioner first. I have enjoyed talking to a variety of people in different places and from all walks of life. The responses range from the very interesting, informative, and insightful to the witty and downright funny… I do hope you enjoy them!