Green leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach, and broccoli are rich in nutrients that are good for brain health.  These include vitamin K, lutein, folate, and beta carotene.  One green cruciferous vegetable that stands out is broccoli.  According to Raghavan (2018), broccoli may have anti-amnesic properties which help in the preservation of memory and may […]

We all like to snack every now and again, but what is a good snack to snack on? Perhaps nuts could be the healthy snack that you are looking for.  Nuts are good for your mental health too!  I must exercise caution here first; nuts are high in fat, so moderation is best.  Fortunately, though, […]

I once heard on the news of a French lady who had lived to well over 100.  When asked what the secret to her longevity was, she laughed and said that she eats a pound of chocolate per week (now I can’t remember exactly what the measurement was, but I remember thinking whoa, that’s a […]

When I was asking my friends in Sydney what constitutes good mental health and wellbeing, one of them mentioned: “I love reading and being outdoors in nature. This helps me to think beyond my little bubble of stresses and chaos and either escape to somewhere imaginative or remember that there is more to life than […]

Mental Health Around the World is a new series of blog posts that talk about mental health.  We often only talk about mental health when things go wrong and neglect to talk about what constitutes good mental health.  There are a lot of different opinions on what creates good mental health and there are certainly […]

When I was studying, during university vacation, I worked on a farm in France. The lady who ran the farm had some amazing recipes, one of which was a walnut cake, which I’m convinced was divinely inspired. It literally tasted out of this world.

Our cognitive skills are paramount to our everyday life. We can’t think straight, learn anything new, plan every-day tasks or remember anything unless our neurons are functioning optimally and connecting well with other nerve cells.

The human brain is amazing. It is composed of basic cells called nerve cells ‘Neurons”. Brain tissue magnified heavily under an electron microscope shows that neurons look like little trees and there are vast arrays of neurons connected in the brain.

We often hear the expression “You are what you eat”, but what does it mean exactly?  In 1825 a French lawyer and Politician named Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin published a book titled Physiologie du Gout or The Physiology of Taste.  In this book he notes: “Dis-moi ce que tu manges, je te dirai ce que tu […]